What is Bevor?
Bevor is an audit facilitating platform + DAO for the web3 ecosystem. Our decentralized, permissionless protocol helps induce efficient auditing processes, reduces overhead, securely dictates money movement, and benefits from smart contract automation. Beyond this, it provides a means for protocols owners to verifiably showcase their audits, and provides verifiable attestations around auditors' auditing history and capabilities.
Audits are a neccessity in the nascent web3 space. Current mechanisms for carrying out audits are inefficient, not transparent, involve constant back-and-forth emails between off-chain identities, have bottlenecks due to human intervention, push a ton of overhead onto solo auditors, induce centralization of auditors (if not already centralized), and there are little assurances that payments for audits will be worthwhile. Bevor's mission is to create the best means of carrying out these processes, secure the entirity of web3 protocols, and empower both protocol owners and auditors.